As referenced by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, a team of Russian experts developed a project of an international cooperation program. The program implementation provides for the establishment of an international organization that has no counterparts anywhere in the world. Based on the principles of parity with regard to all its member countries, the organization will allow for making a major breakthrough in the development of those countries’ national economies. Thus, the states will be able to successfully conduct a dialogue, as well as to cooperate without discrimination of any party, which will ultimately create the foundation for active development – while disregarding the availability of certain resources and avoiding military conflicts.
Unfortunately, today there are attempts to reshape the image of Russia by presenting it as an aggressor – despite the fact that Russia has historically developed as a peace-loving country and helps (unlike the United States, for instance) its partners build new enterprises and develop their infrastructure. The never-ending struggle of nations that takes place throughout the history of mankind leads to numerous wars and, consequently, to heavy casualties among civilians, to shattered economies and to humanitarian disasters. The Second World War (1939-1945) is just one vivid example. It so happened that at some point our world became unipolar, with the United States emerging as some sort of a parent state that does not even
honor its allies’ interests. The USA act via their supporters in the foreign supreme bodies of state power. Having used a variety of mechanisms, they managed to exert full control over various states throughout the world. The
Russian Federation is, by far, not the only country we can regard as a striking example of such practice. After the successful operation aimed at the elimination of the most powerful state – the USSR (which was made possible via the US agents active in the Soviet bodies of supreme power), the Constitution and international treaties became instrumental in assigning the New Russia with the status of an economic “colony” of sorts.
Being a true patriot of his country, President Putin embarked upon a new course aimed at the recovery of Russian economic sovereignty and the support of our allies around the world. I believe that Dmitry Medvedev, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the leader of “United Russia” (the current ruling
political party), is now trying, together with the economic bloc of the Government, to do his best to fulfill the US directive for the overthrow of the Russian national leader Vladimir Putin. Dmitry Medvedev, in my opinion, was once planted into the national system of supreme power by the adherents of global business – the Rockefellers... After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian liberals (engaged in serving the global business) are, in my views, trying to use various methods in order to break up the New Russia, too. Once the United States managed to organize a coup in the Ukraine, those Russian liberals who have access to the national supreme power received the command to overthrow V. Putin and to destruct the Russian statehood. Now we can see the results of this command’s performance: the Chairman of the Russian Government – together with the economic bloc and the Central Bank of Russia (that is not state-owned and holds a special constitutional and legal status) – started to artificially degrade the Russian people’s standards of living, thereby increasing the degree of popular dispostText and creating all conditions for a revolution in the country.
The Russian leader Vladimir Putin understood the situation and, in 2015, instructed a group of experts to develop a new model of economic development of the state, as well as to work out a program of mutually beneficial international cooperation.
I would like to note that nowadays the world is waiting for positive changes associated with the consolidation of statehood, as well as the development of civil society, human rights and freedoms, national economies, science and technologies. The arms race and the kinds of development done in favor of particular clans and states should stay in the past. Russia is certain to face great changes in the nearest future – and they will give a powerful boost not only to Russian development, but also to the development of the entire world. Then we will have every right to say that the world has entered a new era of development – the era of peace and prosperity. This time is not that far off!
Yuri Yakimovich
Member of the Innovative Development Working
Group functioning under the State Duma Committee for Agriculture of the Federal
Assembly of the Russian Federation

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