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The world situation is a woman.
If you want to possess her, you have two ways: a) rape; b) fall in love with yourself, seduce and own her.
The USA is raping the world.
Violence, like a stick, has two ends: you must either destroy the World, or you will be destroyed.
There is no third!
In this sense, it is absolutely clear why the United States is doing everything and why.
However! Love is love, but if you are monotonous for a long time, then the woman will leave you, in fact, which is what is happening between the USA and the World.
What should the USA do?
Live and let live, while remaining a world leader.
Unfortunately, the deep US authorities has forgotten the Origins of life. Therefore, the establishment has hit a wall, in terms of change: winter is over, but they can’t take off their sheepskin coat, so they are fussing and dragging the World to Hell with them.
I propose to the deep US authorities to remind the Origins of Life.
There is a New World Paradigm!
Its implementation will calm the World.
All countries will bow again and lay their gifts at the feet of the United States...

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