MMOexp: Elden Ring is not the first PS5 game

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Le Aventurine
Elden Ring is not the first PS5 game

In an article on their blog the Publisher Bandai Namco addressed the problem by writing "We know the root of this issue and we are developing a patch to Elden Ring Runes fix it. However, until the patch is available Please make sure to save the game by closing the game on a regular basis." You can do this by pressing"quit game" or the "quit game" option in the Elden Ring menu in the game. In the blog, Bandai Namco also discussed problems that were affecting Elden Ring's gaming performance when running on PC with framerate issues, such as framerate hiccups and a disproportionately high mouse sensitivity and states that there's a patch coming for these issues as well.

Mind you, the blog post doesn't actually explain the "cause" for the save data issues on PS5 or provide an estimated time frame for when the fix is expected to be released. The representatives of Bandai Namco did not respond to a request for comments within the time frame for publication.

Elden Ring is not the first PS5 game to be launched with issues regarding the rest mode of the console. In the spring of last year, Housemarque's Returnal is a gruelling Roguelike that explores the musical talent from Blue ?yster Cult was released without a option to stop a run. If you needed to end the game--which can easily run for hours, and then do something else there was only one option, straight from the creator: put the console into buy Elden Ring Items rest mode.

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