MMOexp: Blasphemous Bladeis arguably the best Elden Ring

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Le Aventurine
you're getting a lot less AR than youused to when a bleed would trigger,soall bleed builds and builds that rely ontriggering bleed often are weaker now.Butit's still really good!

Morgott'sCursed Sword

Morgott'sCursed Swordfinally makes it to Elden Ring Runes the Stier on Elden Ring 1.09 Remembrance weapons rankingafter theamazing buffs to the weapon type in thispatch and the ashof war is feelingphenomenal. The weapon type, the curvedgreat sword has increased speed rangeand recovery time which is feelinginsane.It was already a really longweapon but increased range now meansyou're clipping people at ranges thatare just insane. The speed of theattacks means the DPS is better and alsoit's feeling a lot smoother.The majorthing is actually the recovery timethough,allowing for pretty infinitecombos.It's reallydeadly as a bleed weapon.

Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear

This comes off thenasty nerf to the AOE which is reducedin range from the bloodboon ritual,but stilla pretty wide-reaching bleed option.Nowas a greatspear,they decrease thehitbox size for its attacks for variousattacks and that sucks.Because the rangeof this weapon is a really big powerpart of it and having that reduced doeshurt.But the main aspect of the DPSpotential of this weapon is the ash of warand the bleed potentially you have there.That was nerfed in 1.09 where theyreduced the power of the White Mask andthe Lord of Blood Talisman.Basically,you're getting a lot less AR than youused to when a bleed would trigger,soall bleed builds and builds that rely ontriggering bleed often are weaker now.Butit's still really good!

Blasphemous Blade

Blasphemous Bladeis arguably the best Elden Ring 1.09 Remembrance weapon in the game.Wedon't need to talk about it too much.It's just overturned,it has a bit toomuch going for it and somehow it'sreceived various buffs over patches andpatches and it hasn't really changedthis patch.As a great sword,it got an increased speed range andrecovery time for various attacks.Sojust using this as a weapon as aphysical attacking weapon,it's justbetter.It's crazy that this is stillgetting buff even by proxy of Elden Ring Items for sale its weapontype.

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