MMOexp: The Ash of War has recently had a huge buff

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Le Aventurine
The Ash of War has recently had a huge buff

You can get Ash of War very early on in Elden Ring Runes the game, and it inherently provides that Keen Affinity that you want for this weapon and it will really maximize the damage potential of your sword spear, as the Ash of War reads you can quickly close in to perform a series of spinning upward slashes and then follow up with an additional input to finish with a downward slash foreign

Piercing Fang

However later in the game, you want to move to our second recommendation - Piercing Fang. The Ash of War has recently had a huge buff as part of patch 1.07, many ashes of war and spells have had big buffs but Piercing Fang got one of the biggest Buffs, so there has never been a better time than now to use it, and of course, make sure you're using the Keen Affinity to get the absolute most damage out of this weapon.

Right-Hand Weapon: Brass Sheild

you could farm for two of them and dual wield them if you just want the absolute maximum amount of damage output from this weapon, though we advise having a shield making the most of the Guard counter and including that tankiness and that survivability into this monster of a build, because then you are insanely deadly at range, insanely deadly up close and also crazy tanky with some very powerful guard counters, so you really do have all bases covered. Brass Sheild is a fairly light medium shield with buy Elden Ring Runes 100 physical resistance and it drops really easily from basically any Godric Soldier brought-out limb grave.


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