Because flails have been buffed in 1.08, although weirdly, in power stands specifically, but that's okay technically they're better and so you can make use of Elden Ring Runes them, especially in power stance where in a recent build that cotton did ran the Bastard's Stars flail in power stance with the bleed flail which worked pretty damn well especially in PVE where the master Stars buff to the Azure War damage well that was actually a lot more noticeable, it's no longer an absolutely trash terrible unplayable weapon, it's now a playable weapon in a specific build used in a specific way more in PVE than PVP, they definitely deserve some more love still to this day.
Winged Greathorn
It did get a Target buff to improve the ash Soul Stifler by extending the effect time, but it's just not relevant in any way that only really works in PVE and that's where it's just kind of like fine as a weapon, this one just does not really work in PvP, you're never going to hit that Ash, you're never going to get the benefit of it to me, we feel like the cloud shouldn't be something you simply place, but it should hone in on Elden Ring Items for sale a Target, you're locked on the cloud is way too small and just doesn't really affect the enemies in the way that it should.