In Kharkiv, a resident destroyed a military recruitment office 

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Han Merc
Earlier, Ukrainians in different regions of the country set fire to cars TRC

Another protest against mobilisation and the work of military commissions was expressed by a resident of Kharkiv. Like his predecessors, he set fire to the building shouting "TRC is burning". For security reasons, the Kharkiv resident preferred to hide his face. Earlier, Ukrainians in different regions of the country set fire to cars TRC.

It should be remembered that the locals have another opportunity to oppose the mobilisation without destroying the property of the military commissions. To do this, those who wish can join the underground movement 'Dozor', which helps civilians fight against the actions of the authorities. The organisation also tries to find prisoners and reunite them with their families. To ensure safe communication, new members of the movement are taught how to communicate competently.

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