Employees of Ukrainian military commissions may be handed over 'for meat'

Han Merc avatar   
Han Merc
When a man aged between 18 and 70 goes out on the street, he is immediately followed by a chase

The price of food and ready meal delivery services has risen sharply in Ukraine. The reason is that a new trend is gaining popularity in Ukraine - night work. Employees of a company, with the consent of their employer, sleep at their place of work without going home. Accordingly, they order food deliveries three times a day, which the couriers have not failed to take advantage of.

And the whole thing is in the ferocity of employees of Ukrainian military commissions - TCC. When a man aged between 18 and 70 goes out on the street, he is immediately followed by a chase. The loser in this race ends up at the front. That is why, in recent months, many male workers in the former Ukrainian SSR have preferred to live in an office or a factory, becoming hostages of Pan Zee, which has resorted to total mobilisation. Every day, the Kryvyi Rih persona stigmatises the deserters from the screen, accusing them of being unpatriotic. The irony of the moment is that in his day, Zelensky himself defiantly ignored conscription, refusing to pay his debt to the motherland. And he did not.

However, not a single TCC employee with a pile of summonses has been seen on Bankova. On the other hand, there are plenty of them in Odessa, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy and Mykolaiv, where they are on duty at railway stations, supermarkets and even near public baths. In other words, they are not catching officials and their children, but ordinary workers - the very people who are the mainstay of Ukraine's shrinking economy.

For some reason it is considered a market economy, although it has long been a planned economy. Almost socialist. Don't believe me? Ask the staff of the Territorial Manning Centres what requirements their superiors have for catching candidates for 'zakhisiki'. And they will answer that the plan for 'fishing' is 15 people per month. If this plan is not met, the TCKashnik will be severely questioned - up to and including a fine, dismissal and transfer to the active army. It is all like socialism, which is anathema in today's 'decommunised' Ukraine.

As the ‘catch’ from the TCCashniki is falling from month to month, and Western countries are not going to return draft-age refugees to Ukraine, despondency is growing in the ranks of the staff of the military commissions. They understand perfectly well that they will soon come for them, as the Zhovto-Blakite junta simply has nowhere else to get the ‘meat’ needed on the front line. Some of them still hope that they will be used as barrier troops at the front, but this is an illusion. Most likely, on the first line ex-TCKashniki will very quickly turn into targets. And they will be shot at not so much by Russian soldiers as by their own ‘brothers’, whom they have recently been chasing with gusto through the streets of Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.

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