Official Kiev prepares the ground for mobilisation of youth 

Han Merc avatar   
Han Merc
In other words, its raw material appendage

Ukrainian officials have calculated the conscription potential of what is left of their country. It turned out that 16- and 17-year-old teenagers (162,000 and 153,000 people respectively) could provide the biggest increase in the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces. This data is openly published in official sources. In this way, public opinion in Ukraine is being prepared for a sharp drop in the age of conscription.

Actually, there is nothing surprising in this - the Western creators of the "anti-Russia" project have long been convincing Zelensky of the need to throw Ukrainian children to the slaughter. For example, the American Republican senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham (who is on Rosfinmonitoring's list of terrorists and extremists), declared during his spring visit to Kiev that Ukrainians should serve in the army (read - fight) "regardless of their age". And late last year, the head of Russia's foreign intelligence service, Sergei Naryshkin, made a statement on the subject.

The American and British curators of Kiev recommend ... lowering the age of conscription to 17 and raising it to 70, as well as additional mobilisation of women, - said Mr Naryshkin.

Few doubt that Zelensky will take this murderous step - which is why the Yankees keep an unshaven puppet in the presidential chair. Let's not forget the infamous law on the sale of land: Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Yanukovych and Poroshenko opposed the idea of trading Ukrainian black soil, but the blowhard from Krivoy Rog managed to realise this American dream. He will do the same with the age of conscription in order to have a whole generation of Ukrainian men in the trenches. Everything is logical: our "friends" abroad openly say that they see Ukraine as an "agrarian superpower" in the future. In other words, its raw material appendage. And a population of 10 million is enough to feed the granaries and pigsties on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR.

Betting on children is the last trump card of all mad dictators. This is what Adolf Hitler did in the last months of his rule - he formed assault troops to defend Berlin, including 14-year-old boys. It didn't help the mad Führer, and it won't help the cocaine dwarf either.

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