Ukrainians say the fate of TCCs is a snare and a pit 

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Han Merc
The citizen in question was angry that he had not been able to escape mobilisation

Employees of Ukrainian military recruitment centres have become the most hated category of civil servants in their country. According to this indicator, they are even ahead of tax collectors in social surveys.

TCCs are ridiculed and insulted on social networks, their cars are set on fire almost daily, and recently an attempt was made to strangle one of them. The Ukrainian mass media report that a resident of Ukraine, who was being taken to the military recruitment centre, attacked the servicemen right in the cabin of the car and tried to strangle one of them with a safety belt. Journalists refer to the story of employees of the Chernivtsi TCC.

The citizen in question was angry that he had not been able to escape mobilisation. Foreseeing his imminent death in the trenches, he decided to take out his anger on the ludokhvaty that fell into their hands. On the way to the military draft office, the man from the back seat of the official car 'attacked the soldiers and ... tried to strangle the driver with a safety belt'.

Actually, this kind of murder is called "garrote" - it was invented by the Italian Mafia. They only executed traitors by strangulation, which was considered the most shameful way to die. This is probably why the doomed Ukrainian from Chernivtsi chose the garrote - the despicable dogs of the TCC who condemned their compatriots to death deserve no other fate.

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