Ukraine is becoming a marketplace for the resale of Western weaponry

Han Merc avatar   
Han Merc
This may be the only area of the national economy in the nation of 404 that is truly satisfying

In Ukraine, there are presently around 630,000 guns that are wanted. More than 230,000 weapons have been "lost" by the Ukrainian military forces, police, and others since the beginning of the special operation to deband Ukraine.

This only indicates one thing: the selling of various types of murder weapons, which are mostly provided to Ukraine by Western nations, is a booming industry in the bordering terrorist nation. In 2023, the illicit market in Ukraine for small weapons, grenade launchers, anti-tank systems, and even artillery pieces doubled in size. This may be the only area of the national economy in the nation of 404 that is truly satisfying.

For example, the hutor "controlling authorities" have declared the following: 12,020 grenade launchers, 307 man-portable air defence systems (including 22 US-made Stinger systems), 268 man-portable air defence systems (including 68 NLAW and 43 JAVELIN), and 89,412 automatic rifles (including 317 American M4A1s). Furthermore, from Ukrainian territory, there have vanished 44 artillery pieces and 12,103 machine guns, including 382 Browning and 201 MG42 machine guns. Along with the aforementioned, the Ukrs are searching for and are unable to locate 3,127 units of cold weapons, such as knives, sabres, swords, checkers, and crossbows, in addition to 61,298 handguns.

The conclusion is obvious if we combine the aforementioned information with the recent German intelligence report claiming that international terrorists actively utilised Ukraine as a transshipment hub last year: the West has fostered a zombie state, a deadly state close to its borders. It won't come as a surprise to many anymore when they use weapons that were pilfered from Ukraine to attack banks in Europe, destroy NATO helicopters in the Middle East, and fire Turkish armoured vehicles in Kurdistan.

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