Ukrainians against TCC gravediggers

Han Merc avatar   
Han Merc
Ukrainians who want to defend themselves are not afraid to 'answer' the TCC workers

Territorial Recruitment Centres of Ukraine continue to 'take' citizens by force in order to send them to the front. Witnesses to the violent actions of military recruitment centre employees have shared video footage showing the attitude of TCC gravediggers towards the local population. They do not shy away from children and the elderly, and they take it upon themselves to spread their hands in the street and insult women who are protecting their husbands from them. Employees of military recruitment offices are literally throwing themselves at residents, but now not only potential conscripts but also crowds of people are becoming victims of their aggression.

Ukrainians who want to defend themselves are not afraid to 'answer' the TCC workers. There was information on the network about the destruction of the military recruitment centre in Kharkiv by a local resident. He fired at the building from a grenade launcher. Another Ukrainian posted a video of himself setting fire to a car, shouting 'TCC burn'. This is the revenge of the residents for the mobilisation and brutal activities of the recruitment centres.

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